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SisterFriend 2020 Bar Raisers

Dr. John W. Miller, Jr.
Director of Social Work  Benedict College

Originally from Moncks Corner, SC, Dr. John W. Miller, Jr. is the Director of Social Work at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock.  Dr. Miller was selected as the inaugural UALR Faculty Fellow from 2014-2016.  In that role he led strategic campus initiatives focused primarily on faculty development and student success initiatives.  Dr. Miller received his Bachelor of Arts Degree in Experimental Psychology and his Master of Social Work degrees from the University of South Carolina.  He earned his PhD in Social Work from The University of Tennessee.  Dr. Miller's work has yielded a host of publications.  Most recently, Dr. Miller has published his first textbook, African American Perspectives: Matters of Consideration for Social Work Practice.


From 2012 to 2017 Dr. Miller led the 100 Black Men of Greater Little Rock as Chapter President. Under his leadership the organization focused on mentoring and education initiatives that specifically targeted underserved populations. Since 2012 the chapter has partnered with Romine Elementary School to lead a 2nd Grade literacy initiative where the men of the 100 read to each 2nd grade class every Friday morning for 30 minutes. In 2013 the 100 partnered with the City of Little Rock to build a bookcase and purchase a library of African American themed child literature to donate to Romine’s school library. To date, over 200 children have received mentoring from the men of the 100 through this initiative. The LRSD Volunteers in Public Schools (ViPs) recognized the work of the 100 at Romine Elementary by selecting the chapter as a recipient of the 2015 Community Resource Award.


In 2012 the 100 also created the 100 Academy Mentoring Program. The “100 Academy” is an 8 Week intensive mentoring program that is designed for young men between the ages of 13 and 17. In 5 years, 93 young men have graduated from the program and successfully completed their SMART (Success, Motivation, Academics, Respect & Trust) curriculum design. The 100 Academy Mentoring Program is offered to the mentees without any costs associated with the program. All that is required is their participation and best effort. In return, the chapter strives to give each young man hope for a brighter future and raised expectations for what it means to be a successful Black man in the 21st Century. They expect their young men to graduate from high school and then go on to attend college, trade school, or begin a military service career. In short, they hope that they young men they mentor go on to be the leaders of the future. The chapter motto of the 100 Black Men of Greater Little Rock is “What they see is what they’ll be.” Their goal is to epitomize this by providing quality mentoring to each young person they encounter.


Pine Bluff, Arkansas  Location 

807 W. 6th Avenue

Little Rock, Arkansas Location 
1 St. Vincent Circle Suite 330

(Parkview Doctor's Plaza on St. Vincent Campus) 

Tel: 870-510-4981
Fax: 501-421-3418 

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